Affordable, Fast and Reliable Conversion

Redrafting ensures accurate and reliable conversion of PDF or scanned images to CAD files. This process involves recreating the drawing in CAD software, using the scanned image or PDF as a reference. We produce high-quality CAD files that are an accurate representation of the original drawings.

In order to provide an estimate, we require an initial survey of the original documents/files.

Digital Solutions

Enhanced Project Hosting

A scalable and secure platform for managing and hosting projects.

CAD Management

Elevate project management with expert CAD File Management.

RFI Management

Simplify the process of submitting, tracking, and responding to Request For Information.

CloseOut Management

Simplify project close-out with an integrated solution that intuitively knows what is required.

CAD Conversion

High quality and fast turnaround CAD redrafting service.

Document Management

Improve collaboration, version control, and efficiency while reducing risk.

Document ID

Search and find the files you need when you need them.

Bid Management

Receive better bid coverage, quality bids and win more work.

Submittal Management

Streamline review, reduce errors, and delays, and enhance collaboration and communication.


Scanning turns paper-based documents into digital assets.

Customer Successes

With over 20 years of experience in document management, we provide our customers with expertise they can rely on. Learn More

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